October 25th, 23
Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd.

PatientsMap 2023 Japan version is now available

The priority information sources for each target need to be considered, as the information sources upon which physicians place importance vary depending on their specialty.

Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd. and M3 Inc. released PatientsMap 2023 Japan version on September 29, 2023.
PatientsMap is an extensive database that surveys more than 20,000 physicians annually on diseases managed and treated, number of patients seen and administered medications, and physicians' needs for the development of new drugs, etc. for approximately 400 conditions.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmaceutical companies had to make various changes in the past three years to address the situation such as limiting MR (sales rep) visits and increasing online meetings. The physicians were asked about what information sources they thought were important after COVID-19 was designated as a Class 5 infectious disease.

They were asked to select up to three sources from among seven items to evaluate including MR visits, online meetings, and online lectures.

The result (Table 1) showed that the important sources were online lectures and information portal sites for overall hospital-based physicians (HPs), and MR visits and information portal sites for overall general practitioners (GPs).
However, looking at the results by specialty, the HP internists, HP surgeons, and diabetologists placed importance on information portal sites, online lectures, and MR visits and online lectures, respectively. (Table 2)
The GP internists considered information portal sites important. Meanwhile, it was shown that ophthalmologists and dermatologists clearly placed more importance on MR visits than the other sources. (Table 3)
Since the important sources vary depending on the practice setting (e.g., hospital or clinic) and specialty as mentioned above, it is important to determine what source is more appropriate for which facility for the allocation of resources.

(Table 1) Important information sources for HPs and GPs (%)
MR visitsOnline meetings with MRsInteractions with MRs via email or telephoneOnline lectures by pharmaceutical manufacturersLectures and seminars by pharmaceutical manufacturersPharmaceutical company websitesMedical information portal sites such as MR-kun
HPs overall n=1498241.212.39.545.523.21642.7
GPs overall n=522554.35.16.341.123.31549.8
(Table 2) Important information sources by HP specialty (%)
HPsMR visitsOnline meetings with MRsInteractions with MRs via email or telephoneOnline lectures by pharmaceutical manufacturersLectures and seminars by pharmaceutical manufacturersPharmaceutical company websitesMedical information portal sites such as MR-kun
Internal medicine n=123927.87.36.938.319.819.656.3
Diabetology/Endocrinology n=47148.219.112.746.120.813.240.3
Surgery n=61141.
Ophthalmology n=33457.512.99.047.926.011.424.0
Dermatology n=31948.014.49.440.423.214.133.2
(Table 3) Important information sources by GP specialty (%)
GPsMR visitsOnline meetings with MRsInteractions with MRs via email or telephoneOnline lectures by pharmaceutical manufacturersLectures and seminars by pharmaceutical manufacturersPharmaceutical company websitesMedical information portal sites such as MR-kun
Internal medicine n=154148.13.83.838.323.416.457.3
Diabetology/Endocrinology n=14560.06.210.340.026.914.550.3
Surgery n=13450.
Ophthalmology n=32169.25.38.442.124.912.531.8
Dermatology n=20468.13.96.444.626.514.239.7
(Note) HPs are medical facilities with 100 beds or more, and GPs are those with 99 beds or fewer.

What is PatientsMap?
PatientsMap is a large database that surveys, with the cooperation of physicians, about 400 diseases in terms of physician coverage, number of patients, unmet medical needs (diseases for which new drugs are desired, reasons for wanting new drugs, and percentage of patients for whom administering new drugs would be considered), and the activities of real sales reps (in-person) and e-detailing activities of pharmaceutical companies. The same survey frame has been used continuously for more than 10 years since 2010.

Overview of PatientsMap 2023 Japan Version (2023JP)

A survey was conducted of m3 panel physicians.

Target respondents: : M3-registered physicians
Method : Online survey
Fieldwork period : April 12 to August 29, 2023
Sample size collected : 20,207 sample
Number of conditions surveyed : 432 diseases
Survey item: : Total number of patients (in the past month)
Number of patients seen by condition (in the past month)
Number of patients who were prescribed drugs by condition (in the past month)
Need for new therapy
Percentage of patients for whom administering new drugs would be considered
Awareness and adoption of digital therapeutics
Expectations for digital therapeutics
Diseases for which you have high expectations for treatment and management with digital therapeutics
Manufacturer that have sales reps visited (in the past month)
Manufacturer interviewed remotely by sales reps. (in the past month)
Companies that provided information online (in the past month)
Reliable companies Information sources that are important to you

Contact Information

Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd.

Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd.

Established April 1982
Capital 27 million JPY
President & CEO Takashi Makita
Number of employees 137
Location Head Office
NMF Shinjuku East Bldg. 2F, 3F
10-5 Tomihisacho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0067 JAPAN
Osaka office
Daimei Bldg. 4F, 4-6-3 Hirano-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0046 JAPAN
Affiliate companies PD Research Co., Ltd.
SSRI China Co., Ltd. (overseas subsidiary)
SSRI Asia Pacific Co., Ltd. (overseas subsidiary)
HIMA Research (overseas affiliate)

M3, Inc.

Established September 2000
Capital 29.129 billion JPY (as of March 31, 2022)
Representative Director Itaru Tanimura
Number of employees, consolidated 9,384 (as of March 31, 2022)
Location Akasaka Intercity 10F 1-11-44 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
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