August 08th, 24
Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd.

Announcement about survey for physicians' survey database "PatientsMap" US version to be conducted

This is to announce that a survey for physicians' survey database "PatientsMap" US version is to be conducted.
"PatientsMap" is a large-scale database that contains data collected via global surveys of physicians in four of the world's major countries and is widely utilized by pharmaceutical manufacturers, medical device manufacturers, and healthcare businesses for market analysis and strategy formulation.

PatientsMap features
With cooperation from physicians around the world, PatientsMap collects important data regarding the current medical information.
Analyses of these data allow the current management and number of patients with various diseases, their unmet needs, as well as promotional activities by individual pharmaceutical manufacturers to be understood.
Background and purpose of the survey for the US version
Since the survey for the US version was first conducted in 2012, this is the seventh survey.
By conducting this survey, our aim is to further contribute to the global medical market.
Survey specifics for the US version
  • 6,000 samples are to be collected.
  • Approximately 400 diseases including rare/intractable diseases are planned to be covered by the survey
    Click here to learn what diseases have been surveyed in the past.
  • Open-ended questions about why new drugs are desired will be included in the survey to explore unmet needs in the US market
  • Expected to be released in February 2025
Items to be explored in the survey for the US version 2024
  • Number of patients seen by disease
  • Number of patients prescribed drugs by disease
  • Diseases for which new drugs are desired
  • Reasons why new drugs are desired
  • Manufacturers whose sales reps visited respondents
  • Manufacturers whose sales reps had online meetings with respondents
  • Trusted manufacturers
  • Main specialty
  • Main facility where respondents practice (area, type of facility, number of beds)
  • Age
Analysis results of data for the US version
The previous analysis results can be confirmed below.
February 2, 2023
Comparison of promotional activities for physicians in the US by pharmaceutical manufacturers

Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd.
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