September 06th, 16
Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd.

China’s COPD market research report – now available


China’s COPD market research report – now available

September 6th, 2016

Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd.


SSRI CHINA and its headquarter Social Survey Research Information Co., Ltd. (SSRI) have recently completed a syndicated market research study on China’s COPD Market. This report provides extensive information from secondary research and primary research based on 200 COPD treaters, covering a range of topics from current diagnosis and treatment, current prescription and satisfaction, and future outlook on the market.

Some findings include:
  • Increasing number of patients, with physicians and the government authorities citing air pollution as a cause
  • The most commonly used product for COPD is ICS/LABA with 73% usage
  • Within the 17 pipeline products, awareness of Boehringer Ingelheim's olodaterol (Striverdi) is the highest with 52%
  • GSK has the highest sales rep visitation rate with 51%

For more details; click here (PDF file)

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